Opportunities to invest in new programs or infrastructure can go beyond traditional funding and financing methods to deliver greater benefits at a lower cost.
SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES - Charges collected from a developer or property owner seeking to connect to existing wastewater or drainage systems.
EXTERNAL GRANTS AND LOANS - Grants and loans disbursed by the federal government, state, and philanthropic organizations for clean water or environmental initiatives.
COLLABORATIVE FUNDING - Combining (or “stacking”) different types of funds, grants, and debt to pay for multi-benefit projects across multiple partners.
LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS - A mechanism to pool funds among property owners for public improvements that directly benefit their properties.
FEE IN-LIEU - A fee paid by developers or city departments instead of complying with the water management requirements on-site.
CREDIT TRADING AND MITIGATION BANKING - Markets that allow developers to trade credits associated with achieving water management or other environmental requirements on-site.